Mary Hopper

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My Summer Manifesto

My Summer Manifesto: The Summer of Loving Me

This summer.

The whole summer. 

I love me so much. #ILMSM

I’m focused on loving myself so radically and unconditionally and unapologetically this summer.I’m not doing it for anyone or anything but ME.

This is the summer I wear the swimsuit without judging myself or worrying about looking a certain way.

This is the summer I dance when I feel like it, I sing out loud, and I let music move through me

This is the summer I step boldly into my creativity and express it

This is the summer I give way less f*ks about other peoples opinions

This is the summer I embrace all sides of me: the soft feminine, the strong masculine and all of the sides in between

This is the summer I eat for pleasure, for nourishing my body and mind, where I slow down to taste the food and experience it’s entirety

This is the summer I listen to my body and move it in ways it wants to be moved. I let go of timing my workouts, pushing myself to extremes, and exercising because I feel like I have to. This summer exercise will feel like PLAY!

This is the summer I spend time with me. And with other women in my life who make me better.

This is the summer of LOVING ME

 You in?

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