All About my Information Detox


On July 1, I started what I’m calling an information detox. I LOVE learning and taking in new information, but I started to notice that I might be using it as an excuse or a distraction from actually doing the things in my business that are going to make me money. Some of my biggest culprits of information consumption are podcast listening, reading self help and business books, scrolling social media, buying courses/workshops/workbooks and subscribing to people’s email lists (and observing and reading what they are writing and doing). I’m on information overload, and I’m afraid it’s keeping me from using my time to CREATE for my business. It was time to do something.

I decided to set some rules for myself and try to take the entire month of July for my information detox. Here are my rules focusing on each area I’m trying to decrease my consumption in.

Social Media consumption

The time I spend on social media will be planned and timed. I want to stop the mindless scroll. I have determined I want to use Instagram mainly for business, to connect to potential customers, but I find myself wasting time on the app. If it’s for business, I should have a plan and strategy to share the things that will attract my ideal client. I want to have a better plan for my content, and when I’m on the app, I want to be engaging, not mindless scrolling. The same for Facebook. I tend to check my Facebook app when I’m sitting down to nurse, or I’m avoiding a task I don’t want to do (like laundry!) I have a feeling I’m going to be a lot more productive if I cut this out of my day!

Self Development and Business books

I just bought a lot of self development books to take on vacation with me. I took about 6 up there, and didn’t read any. My brain is FULL. I will eventually get to them, but right now, I’m taking the pressure off of reading them, and observing which books seem to be calling to me. I’m going to make a list of the books I want to read, and order them in the order that feels appropriate when I get back to reading August 1. If I want to read, I can choose a fiction book for fun. 

Listening to Podcasts

I love to listen to podcasts while I’m cooking dinner, or out for a walk. I’m going to take a month off of listening to podcasts that are business or self development related. I have learned so much by bundling this habit with something that I need to do (listen while I fold laundry) but I am taking a break from this. I can’t help but wonder if this “multi-tasking” isn’t contributing to my overwhelm. When I sit down to nurse, my mind immediately goes to, “What else could I be doing to maximize my time?” While that can be productive, for me, it’s feeding in to this need to be “busy” and “productive” and it isn’t in line with my values. The exception: The Office Ladies podcast, or a podcast that would make me laugh and is for leisure. I have enjoyed not taking my headphones on my walk and have been enjoying the company of a friend, and conversations with my 3 year old.

Subscribing to Email Lists

I love reading other people’s emails, both to get to know them, but also to observe how other people are using email marketing. I’m known to subscribe to lots of lists (just to observe) but I think my inbox is getting a little crowded. It’s time to stop reading all the emails being sent to me, and unsubscribe from some (sorry if it’s you, it’s not personal!). I also will not be signing up for any more email lists for the month of July.

Buying Courses, Workshops, Workbooks, etc

This is hard, because there is so much good content out there that will make your life easier, teach you something, and help your business. BUT, I don’t NEED it. I know everything I need to know to move forward with what I want to do in my business. I need to stop looking for the next big thing to teach me something, and trust that what I need is within me. Apparently, the Universe thinks this too, because this is the card I randomly drew when I started the detox.


Why You Might Need to Consider an Information Detox

Do you resonate with any of this? Do you find yourself procrastinating, avoiding things you need to do, phone calls you need to make, work you need to get done and using information consumption as a way to get out of these things?

I shared the rules I set for myself and the areas I’m focusing on this month, but it will look different for everyone. If you want to do something similar, I would take some time to observe how you are spending your time, and what you are consuming throughout your day. Then, I would consider what you NEED to consume (I mean, you have to work), and then figure out the things you would like to do less of. It does help to write it down so you can look back on it if you find yourself getting distracted or forgetting about the detox (me, on day 6!) I’m not going to be perfect through this, but my goal is to learn about myself and how I’m spending my time so I can do more of the things I love.

I’m here if you need me. I would love to discuss how I’m working my way through this, and hear how your own information detox is going if you give it a try!