My Friday Five: 001

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5 things I feel like sharing this week.

  1. On Tuesday, I was feeling quite irritable, come to find out my hormone levels are plummeting, which can trigger irritability. How comforting to know it’s my physiology that is making me moody, not just me acting like a b!tch. I’ve been learning about my cycle/hormomes using this app.

  2. I did a 5 day no sugar challenge. Turns out, I don’t really need sugar, I just like it. But I may be a bit addicted to it. Give me chocolate. If you’re looking for some delicious chocolate, I recommend adding this one to your target cart next time.

  3. Money stories can hold us back from great things in our life and business. Have you dug into yours? Doing this in a group is a powerful experience. Join us.

  4. I bought this and I haven’t taken it off since. But seriously, I’m living in it now.

  5. Have you read my book? I’m working on a companion workbook for it which will bring the experience of reading it to a whole new level! Coming soon!

That’s it for the first installment of my Friday Five, where I share whatever I want to about the week, and maybe you’ll learn something new!