How I'm getting more in touch with my spiritual side


I've been listening and paying attention to the spiritual world around me and observing nature more; listening and watching the signs that the Universe is sending my way via animals and the things that I read and hear.

Almost daily using a card deck called Messages from the Guides, I pull a card for myself to give me something to think about for that day. I believe that the messages I'm getting are from my spirit guides, or the energies that surround me, that have supported me through my life. I know that if I lean more into trusting that those energies have my back, that they are teaching me exactly what I'm supposed to learn in each moment.

Believing these spirit guides are with me isn’t a new thing for me, it’s just the first time I’m sharing about them.

After we lost David, I had energy work done as part of my therapeutic healing process. I’m aware that when I am grieving I know I need time to heal, and I also need help healing. For me, this comes in the form of massages and energy work. I received several sessions of cranial sacral therapy, where we focused on the energy in and around my uterus, the place of both his birth and his death. Doing the work around losing David made me aware of the feelings I was connecting with that area of my body. I was so hurt, broken, shattered, and angry that my body didn’t support his precious life. I felt guilt, for not being there (even though I was) and not even knowing he had died. How, as a mother, did I not even know my own son had died? My therapist helped me go deep into my uterus and imagine that I was there holding him, the moment he died. In reality, I was there, I just wasn’t conscious of it. This gave me so much peace around it.

After one of the sessions, my therapist told me that we were not the only ones in the room. I believed her because I had felt it too. She told me she saw a beautiful woman, full of life and energy, wearing a colorful, flowing skirt, dancing around the room. She didn’t know who she was, but she knew she had come there to let me know that she’s with me and watching. I don’t know who that woman was, but I suspect it was my Grandma Arlene. She passed when I was 2, so I don’t know for sure, but it comforts me to think it was her.

And then recently, I’ve been getting massages every 2 weeks, and my wonderful therapist is also certified in Thai bodywork. A few weeks after my mom passed, I went in to receive treatment and when I walked in the room, my therapist could feel the energies with me. I could feel the extra energy I had brought in as well. In the background, while receiving my bodywork, was soft tinkling piano music that was very calming. Midway through the music cut out suddenly and it sounded like a large groan, then the music started again. It was the strangest thing, and I think it was a sign to let go and release some things. My spirit guides were present.

You see what you want to see. You believe what you want to believe.

As I notice and pay attention to the things around me in my environment, the things I watch, the messages I read, the things that happen that aren’t just coincidence, the signs nature shows me, what’s in the cosmos and my horoscope, I am more comforted than ever that I am not alone. Everything is on purpose and what is meant for me, is.

I am now offering a 60 minute life coaching session via zoom where we will tap into our intuitions and use card readings to find clarity and focus on next steps in your life. If you’re feeling stuck, unsure, not clear, or stagnant, click the button below to learn more.